If you need it, the following is a (rough) schedule of the day's events.

5:00pmAll guests arrive; bites and drinks
6:00pm (ish)Wedding ceremony
7:00pmDINNER!! (we know that's why you're coming, too)
9:00pmPiñata bashing & dessert toast
10:00pmParty ends (for the night)
11:00pmLights off, gates locked
we found some palms

It's Texas in May—summer fast approaches! Although we anticipate lovely, comfortable weather, please be aware that the wedding will be outdoors. Prepare for warm climates and lots of sunshine, with plenty of trees & a barn to offer shade. Expect temperatures in the mid-80s(F) during the day, dropping to the mid-60s at night. We will keep this page updated of any major changes, including chance of rain.


We've planned a comfy & relaxed barn wedding for everyone to enjoy. Ain't nothin' fancy or fussy about it, folks! Dress easy breezy for a warm day and perhaps a chilly night. Steer clear of tuxedos and stilettos, but please—no shorts or t-shirts. This is still a wedding, after all. And for Pete's sake, no black! It's too ominous and you'd probably die of heatstroke. Any questions, feel free to reach out and ask us privately.


We've lined up a muy delicioso Texican-inspired meal made from locally-sourced ingredients that is 99% vegan without a drop of dairy in sight! Yes, carnivores—there will be a solo meat option for you, too—so simmer down. Please let us know in advance of any severe allergies we should be aware of!


We love y'all and we love your little families! Kids and babes are happily welcomed at the wedding, but pets are not permitted. With children, please keep in mind a couple of things:

  • The wildflowers & cedar trees are protected! Please monitor your children to prevent them from climbing on/playing in these areas. Elsewhere on site, there is plenty of nice green fluffy grass to romp & roar in!
  • Be prepared for cactus, bugs, dirt, rocks, heat, sunburns & spicy salsa.

As its name would suggest, The Wildflower Barn is full of lovely, vibrant wildflower fields and beds. No one, child or adult, is permitted to walk, run, play or smoke in these protected areas. Most importantly—do not pick the wildflowers! As a proud Texan, Kendal would be most offended and deeply embarrassed if anyone dared commit the grave injustice of picking a precious Bluebonnet on her wedding day. We know, they're pretty. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, BUDDY.

the desert is pretty but please, don't pick the bluebonnets